Protect Your Brand From Unfair Attacks In The Internet Age

March 24, 2021

The Internet has changed the way entire industries do business, and created the opportunity for new industries to make even more change. One of its downsides, however, is the low bar to critics’ impact on business’ brands.

We want small businesses to survive unfair attacks by critics, so our founder wrote a guide to brand resilience and protection for PR Daily. Dustin said that online harassment mobs have become more common and more successful – and companies need to get ahead of this trend instead of reacting when it’s too late.

Dustin explained that above all, companies should try to provide good customer value instead of catering to customer values. New social issues emerge constantly, but consumers will always appreciate a company known for providing great service and treating its employees well. And doing a good job consistently is a more sustainable approach than chasing after societal trends, which leads to unforced errors that can alienate customers entirely.

Controversy is almost inevitable at some point. That’s why Dustin advised business owners to build relationships with the public, community leaders, and the media so that they will hear you out in an emergency. But he also emphasized the importance of having good crisis communications and legal representation on hand for a worst-case scenario.

Read the original article here. 

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