Our Guarantees to You

Getting in the press is as much an art as a science. A reporter could get the flu after promising timely coverage. A start-up may be overshadowed by a more established person with the same message. A scandal or a war could dominate the news cycle for weeks.

Our Good-Faith Pledge

Nobody can guarantee press placements. What we do guarantee is our good-faith pledge through a client-centered approach that safeguards your money:

  • Multiple rounds of editing on each piece of content to meet your exacting standards.
  • No media outreach without your permission. You have final approval of every media outlet, every press release, and every op-ed.
  • We pitch op-eds to up to four targeted outlets or until the piece is accepted, whichever happens first.
  • For media lists, we regularly contact multiple gatekeepers per outlet to increase the chances of placement.
  • For exclusive media opportunities, we contact up to three outlets or until an outlet agrees to coverage, whichever happens first.

These guarantees safeguard your money in two ways. First, multiple options increase the chances of getting you in the press. Second, we are invested in your success – getting it wrong means we have:

  • Lost your trust
  • Squandered your money
  • Burned bridges with media contacts
  • Wasted a lot of our time failing you.

However, hard work alone doesn’t fulfill our good-faith pledge. It also requires a…

Client-Centered Approach

The second part of our good-faith pledge is crafting and placing great content which will reach and influence your target markets. A great op-ed about the wrong topic, or a placement in the wrong outlet, is a complete waste of your time and money. Our client-centered approach starts with us quickly understanding your brand, goals, and voice so we can deliver results like:

  • Crafting content that will make an impact.
  • Identifying and targeting outlets that reach your target market and will find your content valuable.
  • Establishing relationships with the right gatekeepers at those outlets.

This requires us to work closely with clients, especially when we are first getting to know each other. You’ll get to know us as well as we will know you – and that is the beginning of a successful relationship.

However, having great content doesn’t mean anything if it isn’t placed, which is why we also…

Eliminate External Variables

We eliminate as many variables as possible to ensure your success. For example, we maximize value and minimize editing time by crafting op-eds that can be placed at several outlets with minor edits. We make press releases pop by tailoring them to as many target markets as necessary. And if the written word isn’t the best medium for your message, we’ll develop a content and outreach strategy that works for you.

Then we help you develop the pitch – a short e-mail to get a media gatekeeper’s attention. The most important part of that message is the subject line – seven to eight words which must get through the noise of hundreds of other e-mails. The rest of the pitch must:

  • highlight an important and relevant topic
  • showcase a title and expertise in the topic area
  • be timed to the gatekeeper’s editorial needs

We know how to catch the attention of gatekeepers and break through the barriers. We’ve done it many times before and we’ll do the same for you.


Many of our clients come to us after a poor experience with another agency. They have received overpromises, underdeliveries, and expensive non-results.

Proven Media Solutions promises to:

  • Ask you to hold us accountable to contractual obligations/promises through a strategic editorial calendar that lays out deliverable deadlines
  • Tell you what we need from you to succeed
  • Show you deadlines within deadlines