Growth Through Delegation: One Habit Of Highly Successful Leaders

Every growing business eventually reaches the point where leadership means having to hire other people to do more. Owners and CEOs can no longer be effectively involved in the everyday minutiae of operations, and they must depend on the talents and abilities of the team he or she has built.
While writing for Forbes, Proven Media Solutions founder Dustin Siggins interviewed business leaders on the importance of building a great executive team. One of these CEOs explained his growth as a leader saying, “It wasn’t bad for me to be active with sales or staff, but the company needed dedicated executives and managers to build a strong sales engine, put out staff fires and allow me to truly lead.”
Dustin laid out how CEOs and business owners can only work so many hours to compensate for a lack of trusted, trained executive leadership. Too many leaders let ego and fear get in the way of driving the organization’s culture and vision – creating an environment that is not oriented towards growth. The best leaders create a culture and community where managers and lower-level employees alike will thrive.
Dustin’s piece, which also ran in Zenger News, illustrated how executives overcome these roadblocks. The founder of a Florida-based paint company told Dustin his long-term business success came after “a hard discussion with the man in the mirror.” Instead of micro-managing or overextending themselves, successful business leaders have learned that attention to putting the right people in place and engaging staff in ways that empower are the keys to becoming the leader their company needs.
Read the full article here.