Operation Varsity Blues is a PR opportunity for community colleges

Operation Varsity Blues has shaken America’s most prestigious colleges. Illegal bribes led to over 20 guilty pleas by millionaires and billionaires. These “elites” pushed well-deserving middle-class Americans out of tremendous educational and professional opportunities.
This is a crisis for “elite” Americans, leading colleges, and Main Street Americans. It is also an opportunity for community colleges. Now is the time to show that they are the cost-effective, scandal-free option for average Americans to get a great job and accomplish financial goals.
Proven Media Solutions CEO Dustin Siggins made the argument for community colleges in The Baltimore Sun last week. Students can save thousands of dollars starting at community colleges before transferring to four-year institutions. Investing a fraction of those savings into high-quality, long-term financial vehicles will turn today’s high school senior into tomorrow’s retired millionaire.
The challenge facing community colleges is getting the word out. “Elite” colleges busted by Operation Varsity Blues have marketed themselves as the best option for launching a professional career. While this is sometimes true, community colleges provide the educational starting point for a solid future in most careers. For example, Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) has a great series of commercials on how their students “settle” for nursing and cyber-security jobs.
Now is time is now for NVCC and other community college systems to go national with this message: Americans don’t have to worry about what happens at “elite” schools because the community college nearby has a door wide open and waiting.