Start making great alliances today

Creating valuable alliances is difficult. Influential people have a lot of burdens on their time, and just getting in front of them can seem like a fool’s errand. This is especially true for influencers with national profiles.
But there are also influencers right in your backyard. Here are three ways to start creating valuable alliances today.
Contact key people ahead of events
This is part of the Keith Ferrazzi approach to networking. Most networking events and conferences consist of people throwing business cards around like candy. Reaching out ahead of time to key industry players, potential clients, and potential partners will allow you to schedule one-on-one time before they get swarmed.
Offer a valuable insight
People are always ready for advice, insights, and connections. Be ready to offer a keen insight if someone asks for advice or feedback on social media, even if you don’t know them. If you’re at a networking event or conference, create an opportunity to add value to existing conversations, or create your own valuable line of discussion.
Most valuable of all, try to connect people. Networking takes time, and time is money. Great introductions are worth a lot of money in the “valuable alliance” bank.
Give someone their 15 minutes of fame
Okay, so your blog, Facebook page, or LinkedIn profile may not be the biggest in the world. But you may be someone’s temporary hero if you offer to highlight them on one or more of your channels.
For example, Mark Cuban doesn’t need more attention. But he still gave our CEO an interview for Home Business Magazine. And two people we interviewed for our Minding Your Business column said they appreciated the opportunity to spread their personal and professional gospels.
Find someone with whom you want to connect and highlight them. Then send them the link with a note about how they have added value to you. Trust us, they’ll probably appreciate it – and now you’ve opened the door to a valuable alliance.
There are many ways to turn a “cold call” or “cold e-mail” into a warm introduction. Contact us today to see how you can start today.