Fine-Tuning Marketing Assets In the Digital Age
The digital age tempts us with the promise of quick and cheap hits that drive customers to our business with a few easy clicks. However, as Proven Media Solutions founder Dustin Siggins proved through a combination of historical analysis, data, and interviews, successful modern marketing might require a more deliberate strategy than ever before.
“Earned media” is the content we don’t pay for or own and it is difficult to quantify. Yet, Dustin points to multiple studies highlighting the effectiveness of earned media to build our brands. An interview with a reporter or an op-ed published earns the value of placing an advertisement in that same outlet, which is multiplied as the content is spread through republishing agreements. Case in point, Dustin’s article was originally published by Forbes here.
The coverage of the earned media itself becomes content for our digital campaigns making SEO, or search engine optimization, another critical component of advertising strategy. SEO requires an up-front investment because of the technical aspects, but it creates the sales funnel that begins with the digital ad, or the original earned media.
Big media like television and major daily newspapers no longer command advertising space the way they did last century. Written content still reaches customers on a deeper level, but the digital age requires the effective use of the technology and the right content, to first reach them – and then to pull them in.
Read the full article at Zenger News here.