3 ways great press improves your marketing strategy

A niche for-profit and a national non-profit recently signed an agreement for a product which may change a key part of the American health care industry. The two organizations spent months figuring out the details of the launch, their marketing strategy, and their sales strategy. The product was strong, the strategies were impressive, and everyone was on board.
But the for-profit knew something was missing: they needed to get in the press. So, they hired Proven Media Solutions to bring this new weapon into their arsenal. Here are some of the outcomes from their investments in marketing and branding:
- Website visits more than tripled the week after the launch compared to the week before the launch.
- Social media-driven website traffic was up by 2,500%, and direct click-throughs from third-party websites were up nearly 500%.
- One-third of the company’s monthly Twitter engagements took place the day of the launch and the day after.
- LinkedIn impressions tripled compared to the month’s norm.
- Media placements were secured in targeted growth niches.
This company has a strong marketing program. Press created a multiplier effect for social media, put the word out to existing target markets in a new way, and spread the word to new target markets. Here’s how the client’s investment secured these results, and how you can use press to bolster your own marketing strategy.
Engage current target markets more effectively
Marketing is key to differentiating your company from the competition. Getting in the press gives your existing marketing tools a significant multiplier effect to hold interest longer, increase engagement, and drive more website visits.
For example, a law firm which has been retained for a case or recently won a case may use social media and e-mails to inform their clients and prospects. That’s a good use of these tools. A great use of these tools is to announce placements in relevant press that will showcase the law firm and its client(s), giving the firm additional star power and the ability to reach out again to its social media and e-mail audiences.
Our client’s e-mail marketing strategy was already creating great results. The product launch gave them star power. Our placements and strategic consulting used these existing tools to:
- Help triple website visits and skyrocket social media engagement.
- Draw immediate requests for product samples.
- Give the client the opportunity to impress investors during a presentation the same day as the launch.
Reach new target markets
The for-profit wants to rapidly expand into two large, competitive niches in the next two years. The product launch gave them the opening to do that; getting in the press turned opportunity into actualization. We secured press in outlets which reach current and new target markets, putting their name in front of desired decision-makers.
We also built a media list of national outlets which reach and influence their target markets, and developed a tailored, ongoing strategy so the company’s internal team can continue to showcase the company’s successes to the gatekeepers at those outlets. Press surrounding the product launch was the rocket to reach the new target markets; the ongoing media outreach is the momentum to carry the company to orbit.
Finally, we designed a tailored press release. The release was sent to the media list and was republished by the client through two business wire services. The 121 outlets which republished the press release included Business Insider and Yahoo News.
Create a better user experience
Great marketing and branding can’t fool people for long if you own a restaurant with broken windows. Digitally, your marketing and branding should drive prospects, influencers, and other target markets to a great website.
The client has a great website. However, they didn’t have a website content strategy tailored to the product launch. We worked with them to create blog posts repurposed from the media placements which were then used for e-mail marketing and social media posts. This created new, different, and valuable content for social media engagement, the company’s e-mail newsletter, and organic website visitors.
The key to announcing media coverage on a company page is to make sure it creates value for the visitor. Don’t brag or focus too much on yourself. Our client accomplished this goal and drove measurable outcomes as a result.
Press & marketing: Turning tactics into successful strategy
Marketing tells people to buy your product or service; press tells people the story behind the product or service. Without marketing tools like ads, e-mail lists, and social media platforms, getting in the press is a one-trick pony. The placement goes live, and that’s it.
On the other hand, many businesses’ stakeholders see value in great press. Showcasing quality press through your existing marketing tools is a powerful way to reach and influence target markets.
Our client has decades of growth and success behind it. We used the press to help them get the word out faster and better to put more of the right people in their sales funnel.
Are you seeking to reach target markets more often and influence them better? Contact us today to achieve results.